
Monday, June 29, 2009

Ensure drinks & weight update

So I only gained 3 lbs out of the 10 that I lost... Knowing how much I
like coffee they got me the café latté flavor of ensure plus :)
They do sort of remind me of pediasure which I hate cuz I had so much
of it as a kid.

I'm feeling much more comfortable with my adult CF team.

It's taken a while to get used to not working but I've noticed how
much better it is for my health. When I discussed it at CF clinic they
were very supportive and the process for me being on EIA (Employment
and Income Assistance).

Big changes ahead and hopefully it'll all work out without too much

Sunday, June 28, 2009

EIA, twitter, facebook

EIA - The process has started to get Employment and Income Assistance. At my last CF clinic it was decided that my health is not worth risking at the price of a full time job, so my bills still need to get paid... this is my only option.

twitter account -

facebook account -

I'm now working on getting my CF website back up and running... a new look is in the process too!

Phl 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Monday, June 08, 2009

to whom it may concern:

a little something I wrote to the corrupt medical system we have to endure:

They tell me to shut up
They say it’s illegal
To share my story
To tell the truth.

They poison the sick,
Kill the innocent
All for the money
And ulterior motives.

My experience baffles their theories
Threatens their way of life,
But it doesn’t change the way they think
It doesn’t change the way they act.

So ignore the needless pain you cause everyday
And keep killing the ones you have sworn to not harm,
So supplements can’t CURE and drugs can?
Then why doesn’t it work out just like you planned.

Water for dehydration
Vitamin C for scurvy
So arrest me for what I just wrote
Because it’s illegal, right?

It’s still the truth
And no matter what you do
For the people who think for themselves
Your plans will fail
I find it fitting that this will be the first thing I put on my new website